A stray kitten named Maple was discovered along with her brother, Egg, and taken to a shelter where they were in desperate need of assistance. The two feline siblings were only four weeks old and severely malnourished. Amanda, who founded Kitten Rescue Life in Oceanside, California, came to their aid after hearing about their situation. Amanda believes that due to their weakened state, the kittens must have been without their mother for an extended period. She brought the kittens home and tirelessly worked to save them, despite their upper respiratory infection worsening over the following days. Amanda devoted numerous sleepless nights to keep Maple and Egg alive.
Maple’s brother unfortunately lost his battle against a severe eye infection, but Maple herself was a fighter. Despite losing one of her eyes, she was able to recover with the help of constant care and medication. With her determination, she began to gain weight and regain her strength. After regaining her energy, Maple was back to playing, climbing, and running around like before.
Amanda shared a heartwarming experience she had the other night with her kitten, who was finally feeling better. The kitten was lying between Amanda and her partner in bed, playing and behaving like a typical healthy kitten. This moment was precisely what Amanda wished for when she was taking care of her sickly kitten. It was a “we made it” moment that made all the effort worth it, and Amanda felt grateful for it.
On every achievement that Maple made, her companions rejoiced with her. They felt extremely delighted when she finally reached the weight of two pounds.
Amanda fondly remembered how feeble Maple was when she first got her; her body was nothing but skin and bones. But now, looking at Maple’s growth, they can’t help but feel proud to see how chunky she has become. They often chuckle when Maple struggles to stand up from a lying position and needs to roll from side to side to gain the necessary momentum.
Maple was unrecognizable from the timid kitten they had rescued two months prior. Amanda described Maple as a spirited and self-assured feline that exuded energy and playfulness. Her personality was nothing short of fiery, and even the resident adult cats were no match for her will. Maple had taken over the household and made it her own.
As a kitten, Maple had a feisty personality, but as time has passed, she’s become more loving. Despite her humble beginnings as a stray, she’s made tremendous progress since being rescued. To prevent infections in her eye, which is in poor condition, she’ll need to gain some weight before undergoing surgery. That’s according to Amanda, who cares for her.
Meet Maple, the fearless one-eyed feline who refuses to be held back by her disability. Despite only having one eye, she communicates her thoughts and feelings clearly with her remaining eye. What a strong and determined kitty!
Every single day, she relishes in the affection and snuggles provided by her caretakers, effortlessly showcasing her natural talents.
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