In the bustling streets of the Bronx, a caring mother feline was doing all she could to protect her quartet of kittens from harm’s way. Despite living as strays, the mama cat refused to let their unstable and dangerous living conditions get the best of her. She made sure to keep her little ones close, guarding them in a dingy backyard where she anxiously awaited assistance. That’s when a rescue organization came to the rescue, turning their lives around for the better.
Little Wanderers NYC is a rescue organization located in New York City that specializes in rescuing the most vulnerable cats from the city’s toughest areas. Upon receiving news of a mother cat with four young kittens in the Bronx, they immediately knew they had to act to save them. One of their volunteers, Ariana, was quick to respond and went to rescue the little family. After searching for hours in the neighborhood where they were last spotted, Ariana finally found the stray mother cat. Unfortunately, the mother was frightened and ran away before Ariana could bring her to safety. However, despite this setback, Ariana was able to rescue all of the little kittens. Yet, she was not content with just rescuing the kittens, as she believed their mother deserved to be safe and cared for too, given the effort she had put in to keep her babies secure.
Ariana took measures to ensure the safety of the kittens before she left the location. She set a trap which was safe and didn’t cause harm to the stray cat. Her plan was to come back the next day and rescue the cat, hoping for a successful outcome.
Ariana came back the following day and discovered that the homeless cat was unharmed and securely confined in the trap. She felt delighted as she planned to reunite the stray with her little ones who were being looked after by Antionette, a fellow volunteer at the rescue center.
Antionette welcomed the tiny felines into her home and took care of their basic needs like cleaning them up, feeding them, and ensuring they were free from fleas. Even though these little ones had lived a life on the streets, they were full of energy and curiosity as they explored their new surroundings at Antionette’s place. The mother cat was initially wary of the human rescuers, but her joy knew no bounds when she was reunited with her kittens. Seeing their mother, the kittens dashed towards her in excitement.
The name Remony was given to the stray, who eventually grew to feel more at ease around humans. Antoinette mentioned in an interview with Love Meow that although Remony’s body language indicated she felt secure, it would take some time for her to fully adjust to people. The kittens, named Savannah, Sterling, Sutton, and Silas, are thoroughly enjoying their new existence.