Lily dismissed strange occurrences around her home as the result of forgetfulness when she first encountered them. One morning, her hairbrush—which was usually kept on her nightstand—showed up in the living room. She whispered to herself, attempting to get rid of the bad feeling, “I must be getting forgetful.” Her shoes wound misplaced in the bathroom and her keys in the refrigerator over the next few days, among other inexplicable displacements. Lily started to worry. She asked her husband, half-jokingly saying, “Maybe we have a ghost!” “What is going on?” she questioned.
Gage, their kid, increased Lily’s concerns. Gage, typically a ball of activity, had become strangely silent and listless. Lily’s maternal instincts came into play one day as he lay on the couch looking pale and exhausted. Hesitantly, she said, “Gage, are you okay?” He said in a quiet voice, “Mommy, I’m okay,” but his words didn’t allay her worries. Lily was perplexed as to what may have caused his abrupt transformation because he showed no outward signs of illness, such as a cold or fever.
When Lily was awakened late one night by the sound of the front door banging, the mystery grew even more. As she lay in bed, waiting for any further sounds, her heart raced. The world outside appeared to be holding its breath around 2:00 a.m. With a shiver down her spine, she said to herself, “No, that was real.” She sneaked out of bed and tiptoed to Gage’s room, worried about what she would find and worried for her family’s safety.
Fearful thoughts whizzed through Lily’s mind: were they robbing someone, or was there someone breaking into the house? Her pulse was racing as she moved silently up to Gage’s door. She eased her tension by taking a long breath and pulled it open. She was shocked and relieved to find Gage awake in his bed with crumbs all over him and a cookie in his hand. Her voice quivering, she murmured, “Gage, what are you doing?”
“Mommy, I’m eating cookies.” With big, unperturbed eyes, Gage answered innocuously.
Lily, frustrated and in need of clarification, chose to see the video that their door camera had captured. The next thing she saw caused her anxiety to change to dismay. Her mother-in-law was caught on camera using a spare key to enter the residence undetected late at night. She saw as her mother-in-law tiptoed into Gage’s room with an iPad and other electronics.
Lily showed her husband the video the next morning, hoping he would be concerned as well. Rather, he said with a laugh, “It’s kind of sweet.” She only desires to treat him.
Lily gave a frustrated shake of her head. It’s not flavorful. She’s giving him too much sweets, messing up his food and sleeping pattern. She protested, attempting to get her husband to see how serious the issue was. “It’s not good for him.”
His expression softened as he took in what she had spoken. “I suppose you’re correct. Still not quite understanding the ramifications, he answered, “But she’s just trying to be the favorite grandma.”
“That’s precisely the issue,” Lily shot back. “Gage isn’t healthy doing that.”
Later that day, Lily contacted her mother-in-law, determined to find a solution. “We must have a conversation,” she said in a forceful yet polite voice.
“Oh Lily, what’s the matter?” With a tone full of innocence, her mother-in-law questioned.
Lily said bluntly, “I know you’ve been seeing Gage at night.” “I watched the door cam footage.”
Her mother-in-law attempted to downplay the gravity of the disclosure with a light giggle. Oh my goodness, I adore him so much. She said, “I wanted to spend more time with him.”
Lily said, trying not to lose her cool, “Well, you need to respect his routines if you love him.” You can’t continuously rob him of sleep and feed him candy.
On the other end of the telephone, there was a sigh. “I merely desired to bring him joy,” her mother-in-law said.
“How about taking him for a week?” Lily proposed, daring her mother-in-law to feel directly the consequences of her excesses. “See if you can manage his sugar highs and sleep schedule.”
Her mother-in-law paused before saying yes. “Okay,” she murmured softly. “I am capable of doing that.”
Lily packed up Gage’s toys and clothes and dropped him off at her mother-in-law’s house the following Monday. “Be good for Grandma,” she said, putting her arms around him tightly.
With delight, Gage ran inside and answered, “I will, Mommy.”
By Thursday, Lily had a ringing phone. It was her mother-in-law, speaking in a tired but apologetic tone. “I’m so sorry, Lily,” she said. “I had no idea how much sleep he needed or how negatively the sugar was affecting him.”
Lily had a feeling of vindication and comfort. “I’m happy you comprehend. With a softer tone, she answered, “It’s crucial for his health and wellbeing.
“I swear, I won’t do it again,” her mother-in-law gave her the reassurance. “Are you able to get him?”
Lily said, “Of course,” her heart feeling lighter. “I will be there shortly.”
Gage went to Lily with his arms outstretched as she came to take him up. He whispered, his voice muffled in her hug, “I missed you, Mommy.”
Lily kissed the top of his head and said, “I missed you too, sweetie.” Lily felt like they were finally getting home as they drove. The late-night interruptions would cease, and maybe her mother-in-law would learn an important lesson about setting limits and raising children as a result of this experience.
When she put Gage to bed that evening, he inquired, “Mommy, will Grandma still visit?” looking up at her.
Lily gave him her assurance, “Yes, but throughout the day. No more visits at odd hours.
Gage nodded, content with the setup. He whispered, “Goodnight, Mommy,” as he fell asleep.
Later, Lily laid in bed and thought back on the chaotic day. Although it had been difficult, confronting her mother-in-law was essential for Gage’s wellbeing. Their home seemed natural again, a haven of stability and security, the way it ought to be now that peace had returned.