To help pay for a trip she wanted to take with friends, my granddaughter requested that I turn in my jewelry. Still, I gave her a reality check in answer to her plea. As her granddaughter tried to fit in with a trendy, materialistic clique at university, Janet was devastated by her makeover. Janet gave her granddaughter a valuable lesson in morality when she was persuaded to part with priceless jewels in order to pay for the trip.
Life has a tendency of changing without warning. My granddaughter Emily was full of hopes and tenderness one minute, and compassion the next. Suddenly, she was nothing like the person she once was.
It all began when she enrolled in college. The day we said goodbye to her, Emily was giddy with anticipation. She hugged me and said, “Grandma, I’m going to learn so much and make countless friends!”
I laughed and told her to enjoy every second. I had no idea what would happen next.
She used to phone her parents a lot, telling them all about her adventures in school. She then drifted toward a group of females who were obsessed with the newest trends in fashion. Before long, Emily started to change.
She started wearing more cosmetics and asked her parents for expensive clothes, high-end purses, and the newest technology. We initially thought it was a transitory stage. After all, don’t the college years frequently bring about changes?
Her grades took a nosedive after that, and she began to ignore her former pals. Though worrisome, we clung to the notion that she would eventually turn around.
Still, everything went south.
She looked practically unrecognizable to me on a visit. My heart broke to see the Emily I knew hidden under layers of makeup and ostentatious clothing.
“Grandma, I need you to liquidate your jewelry,” she said in a tone that was almost demanding.
I blinked, surprised by this. “Should I sell my jewelry? However, why, my love?
“I want to go on this trip with my college friends,” she eagerly exhorted. “I don’t have the money, and my parents have already said they won’t pay for it. You’re too old and nobody cares how you look, so you don’t need the jewelry at this point.
Her remarks struck me as a knife to the heart.
The jewelry she was referring to was a selection of priceless mementos that belonged to my late spouse and each represented a portion of our common past.
“Emily,” I said quietly, trying not to lose my cool. “These things are very sentimental to me.” They came from your grandfather as gifts.
I know, but all they’re doing is gathering dust. She said sharply, “I’m living, I’m young, and this experience means more to me than your memories do.
I inhaled deeply to maintain my composure and realized that nothing I said would change her. I needed to come up with a plan to let her know the truth.
Excellently done, Emily. If this trip is really that important to you, I could consider selling the jewelry. But I really want to meet your buddies first. How about we ask them to tea tomorrow?
After a moment of hesitation during which moments her eyes revealed glimmers of doubt, Emily agreed. All right, Grandma. I will invite them to come over.
The next day her buddies showed up, a boisterous group full of energy. I gave them a warm welcome and led the way to the living room, where I had set up a charming tea party.
While Emily excused herself to visit the toilet, I started my calculated move.
I leaned closer to them, using a hushed voice to make sure Emily didn’t hear. “Emily asked to use my jewels to pay for the trip you had planned. However, I offer a better suggestion.
Intrigued, the girls leaned in closer.
“If you decide to cancel on Emily, I will give a piece of jewelry to every one of you,” I revealed. “I think it’s essential that she focus on her last exams instead of this trip.”
They looked at each other with jealous eyes, their eyes widening with surprise.
The first to speak was a tall, arrogant blonde among them. “Do you mean we don’t have to have her come with us?”
“Exactly,” I said. “You can have the jewelry, and Emily will remain behind to finish her coursework.”
They agreed instantly, their excitement obvious.
In all honesty, we didn’t really want her to be included, as one lady casually said. She had turned too eager to fit in and had gotten clinging. We only agreed to her involvement because we expected her to cover the majority of the costs.
Hearing this broke my heart, yet I remained calm. “I understand. You get what you want in this fashion, and Emily gains by remaining here.
Emily burst into the room, obviously overhearing the talk, her face flushed with shame and outrage.
“How were you able to say such things?” She insisted. “I thought you guys were my buddies!”
A hush fell over the room. The females looked shocked and scrambled to give an explanation. At last, the tall blonde pretended to be worried as she talked.
“Emily, there was no malice intended.” We just thought it would make things easier for everyone.
“Simplicity counts.” Emily shook her voice. “You took advantage of me! Did you never really care for me?
Another female groaned loudly, a brunette with a lot of mascara on her face. Emily, you don’t understand. You were too eager to be accepted. That’s all—we thought you may be useful.
Emily’s fists tightened at her sides as tears welled up in her eyes. “Effective? It still amazes me that I trusted you. I completely transformed myself to get your approval, and this is the payment I get?
There was thick tension in the room. The females looked at one other nervously. The blonde gave the brunette a sidelong glance and showed no emotion.
Emily, whatever. There’s no need for this drama. The blonde said, getting to her feet, “We were going to leave you out anyhow. “Let’s go, girls.”
Their interest in the conversation clearly diminished as they left. A single one of them whispered, “This was a waste of time,” with contempt.
Emily watched them go, her eyes welling with sorrow.
When they turned to go, her face etched with sorrow and agony, turned to face me.
“Grandma, I apologize sincerely. I had no idea. I made a stupid decision,” she sobbed as she collapsed into my arms.
I wrapped my arms around her, my heart aching for her. It’s okay, sweetheart. You are growing and learning, thus you are not stupid. While making mistakes is inevitable in life, it is essential that we learn from them.
Her body trembled with anguish as her tears became more intense.
All I wanted was to be accepted. I was insecure and felt alone. I thought that if I emulated them, they would accept me.
I did the best I could to console her, sliding my fingers through her hair. “True friends would never ask you to change who you are or give up something as valuable as who you are. They will value you just as you are.
Emily gently nodded into my shoulder as her tears gradually stopped. “I understand now. I’m sorry, but I asked you to give up your jewelry. I was unable to understand its importance to you.
I drew back to meet her look and used my thumb to gently dab away her tears. “I understand that, sweetie. That you recognize it at this point pleases me. The necklace is more valuable than money since it contains priceless memories.
She gave another nod and inhaled deeply. “I think I should apologize to my parents, my old friends, and myself. I’ve treated those who actually care about me unfairly.
I gave her a kind grin, pleased with her realization. That seems like a really honorable plan of action. A person may always make apologies at any time.
Emily started getting in touch with old acquaintances and committing herself to her studies in the days that followed. She apologized to her parents, who were soothed and sympathetic in spite of their frustration.
I watched as she slowly began to realize who she truly was, beaming with pride. Although the voyage was difficult, Emily learned a valuable lesson about the value of friendship and self-worth.
My necklace, on the other hand, remained untouched, a tribute to the unwavering love of a spouse who recognized its true worth and the tenacity of a granddaughter on her journey to self-awareness.