When I discovered why my daughter had suddenly started stealing from us, I was devastated.
A mother discovered the tragic reality behind the thefts when she observed money disappearing every time her daughter went out. It was a story of adolescent rebellion transformed into a covert gesture of kindness for a buddy in need.
I’ve experienced the highs and lows of mood swings, pushing boundaries, and the need for independence as a mother of an adolescent, riding the parenting rollercoaster. Emma, my kid, is not an exception.
But recently, there has been a change in our family dynamics that has left me feeling a range of emotions. Once a kind and gregarious youngster, Emma has become a normal adolescent who is claiming her independence and, regrettably, exhibiting some undesirable tendencies.
The initial symptoms were harmless. Emma turned her room into a haven, her phone into a hand held in front of her, and her replies to us were laced with sighs and eye rolls. But suddenly the tangible, little things began to go away. Suddenly, things from our own house started to disappear—a notepad here, a box of pens there—only to turn up hidden away in her backpack.
I made an effort to write the shift off as normal teenage behavior because it happened gradually. However, denial is a strong force. I wasn’t shocked into recognizing the truth of our predicament until a recent episode.
Mike, my spouse, and I went to a friend’s birthday celebration last Wednesday. Emma was left on her alone for the whole of the daylong event. We got back late, exhausted but delighted, when I realized my wallet was missing from my purse.
I looked it over more closely and saw that money was missing. I initially tried to explain it away, supposing I must have lost it or spent more money than I had recalled. My memories were hazy because of the excitement of getting ready for the celebration so early.
But a persistent uncertainty refused to go away and began to bother me. When I began to observe more closely, I saw an unsettling pattern: a bit more money would disappear each time Emma went out with her pals. I intentionally left $20 on my dresser as a lure to test my mounting suspicion. As expected, the money was gone when she got home.
I was devastated to learn this. Emma had always had enough money to cover her necessities as well as her desires. It hurt to think that she would take, especially from us. What could possibly push my own flesh and blood, my daughter, to behave in such a way?
Was this just plain adolescent disobedience, or was there something more sinister and deeper at work? These unanswered questions drove me to make a choice that would reveal a world far different from what I had anticipated.
With my pulse racing in my chest, I made a decision that would change how I saw my daughter Emma on a calm Saturday morning. Too often now, missing money coincided with her trips in an unnatural way. Motivated by a blend of apprehension and urgency, I chose to pursue her. To comprehend why my daughter was stealing from us, I had to witness the situation myself.
I kept a distance from Emma as she moved through our neighborhood, not realizing I was pursuing her. Her manner was stiff, her steps deliberate. At last, she pulled up to an almost run-down house at the end of a cul-de-sac; it stood out against the well-kept neighborhood. I watched her lightly knock before stepping inside, and my pulse raced.
As I got closer to the mansion, terror and curiosity clashed inside of me. I saw a spectacle that I will never forget as I peered through a window. Emma was there, giving the money to Mia, a girl I knew from school, in a small, dimly lit room. The worn-out clothing hanging on a line, the patched-up furniture, and the bareness of the room said volumes about the life Mia and her family were leading.
My eyesight became blurry with tears as I understood how serious the situation was. My kid was attempting to assist her buddy; she wasn’t stealing out of hatred or self-interest. I knocked on the door, a jumble of emotions overwhelming me. When the girls realized it was me, their countenance softened from their first shock and wide eyes of fright.
The dialogue that transpired was quite painful. Mia described the terrible circumstances facing her family in a thin, worn-out voice. Her parents found it difficult to provide for even the most basic needs due to their health problems and unemployment. Emma felt driven to lend a hand in the only manner she believed she could when she saw her buddy in need.
My first emotions of betrayal and rage vanished as I listened, to be replaced by a deep sorrow for Mia’s suffering and a nuanced sense of pride in Emma’s kindness. It was a turning point that caused me to reconsider my daughter’s behavior as well as our family’s place in the larger community. Emma may have acted incorrectly in trying to support her buddy, but her intentions were noble and showed a degree of maturity and sensitivity that I had not previously recognized.
My perception of the duties and ideals of our family has changed in light of Mia’s actual circumstances and my daughter’s intense reaction to them. Emma’s behaviors needed to be addressed, but more significantly, we needed to come up with a sincere and respectful plan of assistance for Mia and her family.
Emma and I had a peaceful ride home, with both of us deep in meditation. After arriving, my husband Mike and I got down as a family to talk over the day’s discoveries and decide how to proceed. We had all become solemn by the seriousness of the issue and realized that solving it would need more than a simple debate about right and evil.
First and foremost, we let Emma know that stealing was never acceptable, regardless of the motivation. We acknowledged her empathy and acknowledged our understanding of her want to assist Mia, but we also emphasized the need for her to find more suitable methods to support her friend.
After discussing options with one another, we chose to get in touch with neighborhood organizations that might be able to help Mia’s family. In order to make sure Mia’s family felt supported and valued at every stage of the process, we also decided to include them in our conversations.
Our family started taking a proactive, compassionate stance. We connected Mia’s family with local job agencies, counseling programs, and food banks. Emma strengthened her relationship with Mia and helped her with her studies by volunteering to tutor her and assist with her assignments after comprehending the significance of her actions.
Our family has learned a great deal from this experience. It emphasized how important it is to comprehend the underlying causes of behaviors, particularly when they first appear foolish or detrimental. We discovered the value of resolving conflicts as a group and the positive impact that proactive assistance and empathy can have on other people’s lives.