Trina looks forward to organizing a wonderful birthday celebration for her husband Liam. However, he admits that he had to miss his birthday due to work. When Trina finds out later that her closest friend is having an affair with her husband, the surprises don’t stop. Trina, of course, prepares a surprise in return.
You trust the person you’re with while you’re in love. That’s the intended way of things, am I right?
That is, after all, how my three-year husband Liam and I felt at the time. There just didn’t appear to be a reason why, so I never questioned him.
Until his birthday arrived and completely destroyed my belief in friendship, marriage, and love.
When Liam’s birthday finally arrived, he informed me that he had to leave town for an important work trip. He promised that we would celebrate later and reassured me that he couldn’t refuse.
“I apologize, Trina,” he murmured. “But you understand the value of effort, and I can’t say no to something like this. The only way we can support our lifestyle is via work.”
I found it annoying that Liam would often bring up “affording our lifestyle” whenever he had to work.
“All right,” he went on. “When I’m back, we can celebrate by going out to dinner or something.”
He went to the closet, got a suitcase, and started packing.
He added, “I’ll be back on Sunday evening.”
I was obviously saddened, but really—what could I do?
“All right,” I said. “We can totally do that.”
Liam grabbed a cab the night before his birthday and headed to the airport.
“I’ll see you soon!” he said as he forcefully closed the taxi door.
My mother contacted me the next day as I was preparing myself some breakfast.
“Hello, sweetheart!” she said. “What do you and Liam have planned for his birthday weekend?”
“Nothing, Mom,” I said while taking a drink of my coffee. “Actually, Liam is spending the weekend away. He didn’t precisely have a choice because it’s for work. Next weekend, we’re going to celebrate his birthday instead.”
“Oh, that’s unfortunate,” my mom expressed. “How about we get together and do something today? I also need to get a gift for Mimi’s baby shower.”
“Excellent,” I answered. “I’ll shower and then come get you.”
In an attempt to get something for her friend’s daughter’s baby shower, my mom and I visited approximately eight different stores.
My mother urged me, “Trina, come on.” “We are unable to get Mimi the traditional presents! I’m sure the baby will pick up on her eccentricities.”
“It’s not incorrect,” I laughed.
After a time, we both needed to just sit down and rest since we were so hungry.
My mother remarked, “Let’s get some food,” as she started to leave the shopping center and cross the street.
My mother noticed something when we were going down the street that would soon alter our marriage.
“It’s just too big and too colorful for me…” As I was speaking about my sister’s recent tattoo, my mother pulled my arm and gestured toward a restaurant window.
“Observe,” she growled.
And there they are. My closest buddy and my spouse. crammed into an extremely small space in a restaurant booth.
Mandy brushed her palm over my husband’s cheek and then bent to plant a kiss.
“What in the name of the Lord is going on?” My mum opened her eyes wide and gasped. “Is that Liam, correct? And Mandy?
I gave a nod.
Indeed. Liam is that,” I remarked.
She said, “Wasn’t he supposed to be out of the state?” pointing out the blatant lie my husband had been feeding me.
“He was. However, I suppose he was content to celebrate his birthday with his mistress.”
“Your best friend did this to you,” my mother stated in a cold voice.
“I should go in and confront them, right?” As I shifted my weight from foot to foot, I spoke.
My mother responded, “No, darling,” and started to pull me away. That is precisely what you are not going to do. But I have a strategy.”
“What are you going to do?” I glanced at the blissfully unaware pair outside the window and inquired.
“Trina, trust your mother.” she murmured.
My mother escorted me to a salad bar a few doors down after stealthily snapping a few pictures of Liam and Mandy.
“We’re going to feed ourselves, and then I’m going to tell you how this will go down.”
As we placed our salad orders, feelings of worry passed through me.
Although my mom’s idea was wonderful, I had to be patient to see it through.
“Trina, just trust the process,” she said. “This is the only way it will blow up for everyone involved.”
With a smile on my face, I welcomed Liam back from his alleged business trip.
I forced a grin and replied, “Welcome home.”
The week passed quickly while I awaited carrying out my mother’s scheme.
On Friday afternoon, when I opened the door for her, she remarked, “Hello, darling.” “Liam’s still at work?”
“Yes, do you have everything I need?” I enquired.
I was given a pregnancy test by my mother; it came in a little box. She had requested Mimi to use it earlier that week in hopes of a successful outcome.
Subsequently, she handed me the nanny cameras, concealed within two little white frames.
“You’re supposed to connect it to your computer or phone and it should all be good to go.”
I invited Mandy and Steve over for supper last week, and they came over on Saturday.
The scene was established in an instant.
“Did you really cook all of this by yourself?” As I was setting the dinner, Mandy inquired.
Of sure, I said in response. “This is a significant evening. I must make a significant statement.”
My spouse questioned, “Really?” from his seat at the table. “What is it?”
With a sweep of my hand, I took the pregnancy test out of my pocket.
Liam feigned happiness as his eyes grew wide.
“Whoa!” he exclaimed. “This is a big surprise!”
With a tentative smile, Mandy gave me a confused glance.
She said, “Congratulations, guys!”
“Gratitude,” I answered. “Of course, you’ll be the baby’s godmother!”
Despite her anxious appearance, Mandy took a slice of roasted carrot and put it in her mouth.
“But there’s something else that I need to share as well,” I responded.
“What could be more important than us having a baby?” questioned Liam.
“The fact that the child belongs to Steve,” I casually said.
As Steve choked on his dinner, the room went quiet.
He exclaimed, “What?” in sync with Liam and Mandy.
“This is absurd,” Steve remarked. “There’s no such thing.”
“We have been dating for more than a year now,” I stated, glancing at Steve.
I nearly chuckled at my own deception.
I went on, “I believe it’s time for us to come clean.” Similar to Liam and Mandy. You are also free to confess.”
“What is wrong with you?” Liam fired back. “It looks like the hormones are getting to you, and you’re out of your mind.”
Liam was following closely after Mandy as she cried and fled to the restroom.
Steve turned to face me as soon as they were gone, fear in his eyes.
He questioned, “How could you lie about that?”
I took out my phone and opened the app that let me watch the nanny cam footage.
“This explains why,” I added, moving in closer proximity.
“Does Trina know about us?” Mandy inquired, her voice resonating through the restroom to Liam. “I wish to keep Steve in my life. Nothing will force me to give up the money I married him for.”
Steve gave a gasp.
“Trina is simply being Trina, sweetheart. She is a complete ignorant. You also look so lovely when you weep.”
As their voices faded, the sound of kissing replaced them.
“How long?” Steve queried. “How long has this been going on?”
I responded, “I just found out myself.” “I’m not pregnant either.”
Reentering the table, Mandy and Liam sat down without making eye contact.
“So, you’ve been cheating on me and staying with me for my money?” Steve lost it. “You need to get your things and get out.”
“At last,” Mandy spit out. “We don’t have to hide anymore.”
“You will have nothing when I’m done with you,” Steve said. “Other than the clothes you own, you will have nothing after we divorce. Our prenuptial agreement included a section on infidelity. You’re out, Mandy. It’s time to start looking for work.
Mandy gave a loud gasp.
She whimpered, “You can’t leave me with nothing.”
Steve answered, “I can,” taking up his brandy glass.
With a firm tone, I turned to face Liam.
“You can pack your things, too,” I said.
“What about the baby?” he questioned, frowning and raising his eyebrows nearly to touch.
“It’s not a baby,” I answered. “I simply wanted to be sure that the idea of having a child truly intrigued you. However, you weren’t.
My spouse left in a rage after Mandy. Fortunately for me, my mother recalled that Liam and I had a prenuptial agreement that was comparable to Mandy and Steve’s. All Liam would have left would be his work.
That wouldn’t be enough to maintain the kind of life we knew since, despite Liam’s belief that his work was more essential than mine, mine was equally crucial.
I wasn’t concerned about the outcome of my divorce because Steve was a witness and the nanny cam was filming everything. If Liam choose to dispute anything, I had enough of proof to present in court.
Even though I am inconsolable, I just feel like Steve and I are getting justice.
How would you have responded in the situation?