When he came home to find his wife gone, the guy, who had always made fun of her unemployment, had to reconsider everything because all that had been left behind was a note stating that she intended to file for divorce. Will he be able to patch up their broken relationship before it’s too late?
Harry was excitedly awaiting his game app presentation on this crisp October morning, having spent the previous six months refining the idea.
Harry came into the dining room at eight o’clock, his nose buried in his phone, hardly paying attention to his wife Sara or their two boys, Sonny and Cody.
“Good morning, my love,” Sara murmured.
The boys said, “Good morning, Daddy.” jointly.
Distracted, Harry snatched up a slice of toast and ran back to his room.
“Where’s my white shirt, Sara?” Harry cried out from his chamber.
Sara answered, “It’s in the laundry with the whites.”
Visibly agitated, Harry stormed into the dining room. “My fortunate shirt is the one! For today, I needed it!
It wasn’t until today that I had enough whites for a full load. There are more white shirts on you!
“You’re giving me excuses, and today is a big day for me?” Harry retaliated abruptly.
Harry, you’re overreacting. It’s how you show yourself, not the clothes. Sara gently answered, “Stop making such a fuss.
“Oh really? Am I creating a commotion? You wish to proceed right now?
Harry, what are you going to do? You’re making a big deal out of nothing. People will be more interested in your presentation than in the color of your shirt.
An awfully long presentation? Did you just say that? How hard have I been working on this, do you know?
“Be mindful of your wording. The children…
Harry exclaimed, “You sit at home all day doing nothing.” Is it too difficult to recall only one basic item? You whine and take no action at all.
“Harry, give up. The children are observing. You’re frightening them.
“Oh really? And nobody sees you chatting away on the phone all day? If you can’t even manage one easy chore for me, you’ll never make a decent wife!”
With a new outfit on, Harry jumped out, carrying a briefcase.
Sara always calls Harry back after their disputes, so Harry expected an apology after their successful presentation and subsequent promotion. But no calls came in this time.
He brought white roses home with him, figuring he would get an apology nevertheless, only to discover the flat unoccupied. “I want a divorce,” was written in a letter left by Sara on the table.
Harry was worried and perplexed when he contacted Zara, Sara’s sister, and she told him Sara was in the hospital. An enraged Zara confronted him in the hospital. “You told her that she wasn’t your ideal “wife”?”
“We’ll discuss this at a later time,” Harry sidestepped.
Harry had a consultation with the physician. “Dr., how is my spouse doing? Is she visible to me?
She suffered a little blow. Now steady, she still needs to sleep. Go ahead, but give it only 10 minutes,” the physician said.
Harry tried to grin as he walked into Sara’s hospital room. “I apologize, honey. Allow me to clarify. I—
“I’d prefer not to hear it. I’m through. My main want is to be divorced.
How come? Why…You’re going too far with this.
“Harry, I had nightmares… I wrecked myself by choosing you over every chance,” she said. “It’s too late to make amends.”
Please, honey. Together, we can resolve this,” he begged.
“No, I’m done with this. I can’t be untruthful with the kids, you, or myself. Although I’m 32, I feel really old. I simply hate you, Harry.
“Sara, what about the kids?”
“I can’t help but stand with them. Thus, they will remain in your home.
Harry didn’t say anything more before heading to pick up his children at Zara’s.
After a straightforward pizza and ice cream meal that evening, Harry put the kids to bed and gave his pal Alex a call, who hinted that Sara could be back soon.
It was a crazy morning the next day. While getting the kids ready for school, Harry set fire to both his shirt and the toast.
“Daddy.Amid the ruckus, the children said, “Daddy, what’s happening?”
Only the smoke alarm is sounding. Harry urged them not to worry, but his day continued to get busier.
After dropping the kids off at school, he was running late for an important meeting. “I apologize! You know, traffic.
Harry came home that evening to a sobering reminder of Sara’s absence. Her stuff was gone. “Did she really walk away from me?” he asked himself.
The boys questioned, “Daddy, what happened to Mommy’s pictures and her stuff?”
Harry, perplexed, dialed Zara.
Zara, is this a prank of any sort? Is this the sister who came here, stole everything, and left me? Along with the children?”
Zara shot out, “Harry, she warned you.” You were careless with her. She hung up after that.
Harry battled for months to strike a balance between his profession and parenting, which negatively impacted his performance at work.
Over a beer one evening, Mr. Adams, his supervisor, brought up the topic. “Harry, you’ve lost some of your shine. We’ve seen that you frequently arrive late and miss deadlines. After all, we’re a company,” Mr. Adams remarked.
Harry cracked a joke, “So, you’re firing your best game developer?” in an attempt to lighten the situation.
With a serious reply, Mr. Adams said, “I’m afraid so. Although I can’t control it, I can provide you with solid references.
How come? I beg you not to do this! My children rely on this work.”
Mr. Adams said nothing, and Harry gave up in exasperation. His phone rang as he was leaving, and it was Sara.
“Sara?” Harry gave a startled response.
“Harry, how about we have a little talk at five? In the café where we initially met…? Sara asked.
Sara and Harry talked about their kids in the café. Sara disclosed her treatment sessions and her current custody request.
“Response? Dare you? following your departure from us? Harry lost his temper.
“I’m their mother, Harry. I’m entitled,” Sara argued.
“You wanted to take them away, and now you want to abandon them? They’re over me now,” Harry countered.
Sara didn’t waver. “I’m entitled to their return. I’ll run into you in court.
A few days later, once Harry had gotten comfortable juggling his new freelance work and his family, he made his boys breakfast.
He gave them a final kiss and said, “Daddy loves you,” before dropping them off at school and going to the custody trial.
“Mr. Wills, could you please share with us how you took care of your family when you shared a home with my client, Miss Sara?” Harry was questioned by Sara’s attorney throughout the trial.
“I tried my hardest to take care of them. I put in a lot of overtime at times. Harry said, “I was busy because I wanted them to have everything they needed.”
And what about the goals that your wife has? Did she have any aspirations for her career?
“Prior to the children…She did want to work, yes. Harry answered, “But she stayed at home to take care of them and the household after that.
Therefore, your wife served as your support system, your cook, and your kids’ babysitter. Have you ever informed her that she was inactive at home?
“Yes, I did. It was a frustrating moment. I arrived late, and—
“Mr. Wills, did your employer terminate you? For what reason specifically were you let go?
Disapproval, Your Honor. “This is not relevant,” Harry’s attorney chimed in.
The judge found that the objection was overruled.
“Much obliged, Your Honor,” Sara’s attorney said. “Why did you get fired, Mr. Wills?”
Harry confessed after a long moment, peering into Sara’s anguished eyes. “because I was unable to manage my family and career.” It was excessive. I didn’t give up though. I cherish my children.
“Mr. Wills, how are things going for you now? How are you going to provide for your kids?”
“I’m employed. As a freelancer, I edit videos. I’m able to provide them with good help.
“And how much does this position pay? Is it sufficient?
The work is freelance and part-time. It pays less than previously, but I’m making ends meet,” Harry said, the lawyer mockingly pointing out his professional decline. “A low-paying freelancing work and parenting two children during a recession…That is all, Respected One.
Then someone questioned Sara. “Ms. Sara, could you please share some details about your marriage with us?”
He was always giving when it came to money. We didn’t have any money problems,” Sara said.
Has he ever hurt the kids or you? Did he ever return home intoxicated?
“No, he did not harm us. Sara checked, “He’s never returned home intoxicated.”
“Your spouse has encouraged you. He is not violent at all. So why did you abandon the children and him?
“I experienced a breakdown. He was never idle. He didn’t pick up on my happiness or sadness. I left because I couldn’t take it any longer since I wasn’t emotionally stable,” Sara clarified.
“Where have you been for the past six months? How did you spend the time?
In response, Sara said, “I was in Chicago, then I moved back to Boston and got a job as an interior designer.”
“Is there any assurance that you won’t have another breakdown and leave the kids behind?”
Disapproval, Your Honor. “This is unfounded,” Sara’s attorney countered.
The judge gave the order, “Order, order.”
“I’ll never abandon them again. My world revolves on my kids. Sara vowed to support them. I will be there.
After two hours, the verdict was declared. The children’s custody was given to Sara.
“Mr. Wills, you will be compelled to pay $860 in child support each month in addition to having visiting privileges. The judge pronounced, “This case is closed.”
The children stated that they wanted to stay with both parents when the time came for them to go with Sara.
Cody rushed to Harry and shouted, “You’re just tearing us apart.”
“Mommy and Daddy, please!” Sonny continued.
Sara, overcome, gave them a close hug and second-guessed her choice.