I thought I had found the one, but his parents had different ideas. I chose to chastise them at our wedding rehearsal dinner after they disregarded me in public, not comprehending how this bold decision would alter everything.
After a year of engagement, everything appeared perfect—except for one little but nagging problem: his family. They were frigid the moment I met them. You name it: side looks, passive-aggressive remarks. But they never directly explained why to me.
Hi there, my name is Cora. a young thirty-something scientist. Despite all, I have a humble life as you’ll see.
While out shopping for wedding supplies last week, I happened to run with Nathan’s parents, Evelyn and Robert, at a posh restaurant. They were with a young lady who I was not familiar with.
I tried to be friendly by waving at them. However, they both gave me a sardonic look and pretended not to know who I was when they spotted me. The final straw was that.
Later on that same day, over coffee at my house, I told Vanessa, my best friend, about it.
“They simply disregarded you?” Vanessa’s gaze expanded. “How impolite!”
I nodded while idly stirring my joe. “I’m not understanding it. How could I have ever hurt them?
Vanessa bent over. “Perhaps they believe you’re unworthy of their beloved son.”
“However, why?” I scowled. “I understand I’m not ostentatious, but I succeed in my industry.”
Vanessa said, “They probably don’t know that.” “Have you ever discussed your work with them?”
I gave a headshake. They never appeared to be engaged. I wanted them to like me for who I am, not for what I do for a living or anything.
Vanessa gave a nod. She was aware of my family’s business. “So, what will you do now?”
My expression softened into a grin. “I’ve thought of a concept. Next week is the rehearsal dinner.
Vanessa chuckled, “Oh no.” “What plans do you have?”
“Let’s just say that they have a surprise coming up.”
Vanessa’s eyebrow went up. Are you certain about this, Cora? Imagine if it goes wrong.
I exhaled. “I realize it’s dangerous, but I’m fed up with being viewed as inferior. They must accept me as I am.
“And precisely who are you?” Vanessa enquired with a gleam in her eye.
I chuckled. “A woman who is going to impart some humility to her future in-laws.”
The rehearsal supper was approaching quickly as the week went on. I had kept my idea from Nathan since I didn’t want to sour things between him and his parents. I noticed Evelyn and Robert were already inside the restaurant when we walked there. They purposefully avoided giving me a glance.
“Cora!” It was a voice I recognized. I looked over and saw William and Margaret, my parents, approaching us.
“Dad, mom!” I gave them both hugs. “I’m very happy you could attend.”
Robert and Evelyn were looking at us with slightly wide jaws, I observed. I bit back a smirk.
Nathan gave my folks a hearty hello. “Dr. and Dr. T—, it’s wonderful to have you both back.”
My father gave Nathan a shoulder clap and said, “Please, Nathan.” “You already know it’s William and Margaret,”
I could almost see the cogs in Evelyn and Robert’s minds whirling. They looked at us and began whispering to each other.
Each of us went over to them at their table. Evelyn forced a forced grin. “Hello, we think we’ve never met. This is Robert, my spouse, and I’m Evelyn, Nathan’s mother.
I gave them a blank stare. “Do I know you? I apologize.”
Their expressions lowered. “But… we’re Nathan’s parents,” stammered Robert. You must have remembered us.
I kept my bewildered face on. “Have we met your parents before, Nathan, honey?”
Nathan seemed perplexed. “Cora, what are you discussing?” You have, of course, met them.
Evelyn’s cheeks were flushing. “Cora, we truly apologize.” We were unaware of this.
I smile and cut her off. Naturally, I’m joking. You enjoy these kinds of jokes, I know that.
There was an unbearable quiet for a while. Nathan glanced at each of us, perplexed. “What is happening here?”
I inhaled deeply. “Last week, in a restaurant, your folks feigned not to know who I was. I intended to repay the kindness.
Nathan’s gaze expanded. “Dad and Mom, is this true?”
Robert may have looked embarrassed. “We didn’t mean any harm,” we said.
“Really?” I arched an eyebrow. “Because I felt like it was pretty harmful.”
Evelyn moved to the front. We treated you unfairly, Cora. Please pardon us.
I gave them a cool appearance. “So after you’ve met my parents, I’m worth your son now?”
At what I said, they winced. Nathan reached up to touch my arm. What do you mean, Cora?
I looked up at him. Nathan, they’ve been distant from me from the beginning. I believe that because I lead a humble life, people believed I wasn’t worthy of you.
His expression turned to understanding. He looked up at his parents. “Is that accurate?”
Evelyn’s hands were wrung. “Cora, we were in error. Without understanding the full context, we made judgments about you.
“We sincerely apologize,” Robert continued. “We’re hoping you’ll pardon us.”
I inhaled deeply. “Thank you for your apology, but keep in mind that neither my family nor my career define who I am. It’s unfortunate that this is how you have to learn about it.
Though still appearing uneasy, they nodded. Nathan gave me a tight squeeze. “Cora, I had no clue. I truly apologize.
I gave a quick push back. “You are not to blame.”
My mother cleared her throat. “Maybe we should all take a seat and make a fresh start?”
We made our way over to our table. Nathan leaned over to me as we sat. “So, are you going to share your business with them?”
I grinned. Perhaps. However, I believe we should first clarify the air.
Dinner got off to a clumsy start. Evelyn was obviously interested in my parents, but she wasn’t sure how to approach them to find out more.
Finally, she said, “So, William, what area of medicine did you practice?”
My father grinned. “I was a surgeon, and Margaret was too. Particularly, cardiothoracic.
Robert raised an eyebrow. That is just amazing. And you’ve since retired?
“Semi-retired,” my mother said. “The majority of our time is now spent on our company, but we still consult on an occasional basis.”
Evelyn and Robert were looking at each other, I could see. Thank heavens, Nathan didn’t appear to see the underlying issues.
“Cora, we’d love to hear more about your work. Nathan told us you’re a biologist,” Robert remarked, obviously trying to diffuse the situation.
Taking a drink of wine, I thought about how much to divulge. Actually, I am the owner of a laboratory. We do biotechnology research.
Evelyn almost regurgitated on her water. You own a laboratory, right?
I gave a nod. It is a component of my family’s business. Major stockholder here, I am.
Robert’s eyes got bigger. “Your family’s presence?”
My father added his voice. “Biotech Thompson.” It was started by Margaret and myself after we stopped the procedure.
Evelyn and Robert had a beautiful expression on their faces. Nathan smiled and gave me a squeeze beneath the table.
“We didn’t know,” Evelyn stumbled to herself.
“You never inquired,” I remarked flatly.
A discomfiting quietness enveloped the table. Ever the diplomat, Nathan attempted to lighten the situation.
Hey, have I ever told you guys about the time I got lost while hiking with Cora?
My mother glanced at me as Nathan started telling the story. She nodded subtly in agreement.
The remainder of the evening went by more happily. Evelyn drew me aside as we were leaving.
“Cora, I hope you’ll give us a chance to make it right, even though I know we can’t undo our behavior.” she added.
I gave her a brief glance. If you’re willing, I’ll give it a go.
She gave a sincere nod. “Yes, we are. Additionally, I appreciate the wake-up call. It was necessary for us.
Nathan turned to face me as we drove home. “What a dinner that was.”
I chuckled. “That’s for sure.”
He added, “You know, I fall more and more in love with you every day.”
I grinned as the stress from the previous several weeks began to fade. “Yes, Nathan, me too. Also me.
After a little period of silence, he apologized for his parents. I ought to have seen the way they were handling you.
I gave a headshake. “You’re not to blame. They took care to avoid being blatantly impolite while you were around.
“But even so, I ought to have been more vigilant,” he said. However, I must inquire, “Why didn’t you inform me earlier about your family’s business?”
I exhaled. “I wanted to make sure you loved me for who I am, not for the wealth or prestige of my family. Next, however… I suppose I was just biding my time.
Nathan gave a nod. “I comprehend. For the record, even if you were completely broke, I would still adore you. You are aware of it, correct?
I chuckled. “I am aware. It’s among the reasons I cherish you.
Nathan turned to face me as we drove up in front of our house. “So, what happens next?”
I paused to reflect. Now let’s proceed. Your parents appear sincere in their apologies, and they know the truth. I’m prepared to give them another opportunity.
Nathan grinned. “That’s my girl.” Choosing the moral high ground at all times.
I smiled in return. “Well, this family needs to be managed by someone.”
I felt a burden go off my shoulders as soon as we entered our home. Even though the path ahead would not be simple, I knew that with Nathan by my side, I could handle everything that came our way, including our in-laws.
How would you have responded in the situation?