Josh and Kate are shocked to learn that a weird item they received was sent by Josh’s father, with whom they are no longer in contact. When Josh opens the present and finds an elaborate cushion inside, the story becomes even more complicated. Josh is left to consider his options as a conflict results from this. Should he grant his father forgiveness or keep acting as though they don’t even know each other?
The doorbell rang, heralding the beginning of the day, while Josh and their daughter Emily strolled around the yard.
When I answered the door, the courier stated, “I have a delivery for you.”
I took the package into the kitchen after signing it. This week was our third wedding anniversary, and Josh has always treated me to small gifts.
One day, when we were lounging on the couch, he remarked, “I just want to surprise you, Kate.” “You know that the little things really do matter?”
Naturally, I thought it was from him as I brought the present to the kitchen.
Up until I sliced through the thick tape with scissors. I discovered a gorgeously embroidered cushion and a letter hidden below it. It looked well with the decor in our living room.
Josh and Kate, happy anniversary! – Taylor.
I was briefly touched by the kind gesture. However, it dawned on me that Josh would never accept this present.
“Hey, what’s this?” Returning to the kitchen with Emily on his shoulders, Josh questioned. “Did we place an order?”
With caution, I added, “It’s a gift.” “From your dad,”
After taking the message from me, Josh looked over the paper.
What would he do, I pondered. Josh’s connection with his father was extremely complex. Josh’s mother and Taylor had been abandoned when Josh was a youngster.
When it came to making a decision, Taylor went with the lady he had a romantic relationship with.
Josh has suffered from it since he was seven years old. When we went out to supper one evening, he told me everything about it.
“Kate, a father is meant to select you. But in order to begin a new life with his mistress, he left us. This isn’t how it operates.
I recognized his viewpoint. All he wanted was for his mother and father to support one other.
Taylor, however, had other ideas.
He said that my mother was too severe and that he needed to be happy. He worked a job, yet he was always involved in dubious activities. Thus, he packed and departed.
“Explain what you mean.” Shocked that Josh had gone through this at such a young age, I inquired.
“Merely embezzling money. Josh responded, “Gambling, all that,” and took up his whiskey glass.
That concluded everything. Josh didn’t communicate with him once again until a year before to our marriage.
Taylor thought our wedding would be the ideal opportunity to make amends since she had learned about it via family.
Josh, though, declined.
“Kate, I don’t want him at our wedding. No one will profit from it. If anything, I’ll spoil everything by seeing him.
“And you don’t think it will be a regret?” As I was folding wedding invites, I enquired.
Josh said, “Not at all,” and took up an envelope. “We have no idea who might ruin the wedding because he owes them money.”
That was the end of it. Subject closed.
Not wanting to press the issue. I understood that he had to deal with it later if he had second thoughts. I would back him, but I wouldn’t go too far—especially with Taylor seeming like a hassle.
After Emily was born, Taylor made another attempt at reconciliation. In order to continue being a grandfather, he desired to get back in touch with Josh.
“I want him away from us. He must not be anywhere near our child. Kate, please don’t disagree with me on this one. Holding our infant, Josh remarked, “This man is trouble.”
That concluded everything.
It returns us to the here and now.
With astonished eyes, Josh took up the pillow and touched it all around, even putting it to his ear.
“We can’t keep this pillow, sweetheart!” He stated.
He hurried over and tossed it out the back door without saying anything else.
“Josh, what is happening?” I cried out and left Emily with her slices of fruit in her high chair.
Kate, time is running out! Something is within. He had some plans.
“Sticking?” I stated. “Explain what you mean.”
Both of us stepped outside.
With the pillow innocently resting between our garden’s flowers, we stood over it. I paused, then extended my hand to hear.
It was true that a faint ticking sound could be heard.
“Oh,” I murmured in shock. Josh had been hearing things, I was sure of it.
Taylor has no reason to desire to hurt us.
While bending over to pick up the pillow, Josh instructed her to capture the entire event with her phone. “In the event that something goes wrong or there is illegal material within.”
Josh took a deep breath and ripped the pillow open, revealing a little, enigmatic box with a timer inside.
“How in the world is that?” Fear crept along my spine as I said.
With determination, Josh responded, “Let’s find out.” Make a call to him.
With shaky palms, I called Taylor’s phone.
“Hello, Kate,” he greeted with a smile. Have you received my package? I knew I needed to acquire something, even if I wasn’t sure what to get you.
Josh said, “There’s something inside the pillow.” “A container. It is emitting noise. What’s that?
I asked, “Please be honest.”
Kate, it’s a present. For your anniversary,” Taylor said in a cool, nearly comforting tone.
“It’s most likely the timer; it’s meant to sound and open on the designated day,” he said. “Something is within.”
I was holding the phone when my husband grabbed it.
Is it truly your belief that we require anything from you? Dad, what’s in the box? Is something prohibited? Josh made a demand.
“Please,” he said to Josh. It’s only a gesture. I have no malicious intent.
“If that’s what you mean, then get out of our lives.”
Kate, hold on,” Taylor murmured. “Please just open the box.”
Taylor let out a long sigh, and Josh hung up.
I glanced at my spouse, who appeared perplexed by everything. I was aware that despite being devastated by all his father had done, he was interested in what was in the box.
“What would you like to do?” I enquired.
He held up his head and responded, “I don’t know.”
“Let’s get it open,” I said. “It’s not like he’s trying to hurt us if he wanted me to open it, okay?”
Josh gave a hesitant nod, clearly realizing what had happened. All his father had wanted to do was reach out and offer us something. Perhaps it was as easy as it seems.
“But please, record it.” stated Josh.
I took up my phone once again and started recording.
Josh forced the package open and saw inside was a $100,000 cheque.
Josh looked at the check, his expression shifting as he attempted to interpret it.
“Kate, what is he playing at?” Startled, Josh enquired. “This money cannot be clean.” He has to be hiding something.
But Taylor phoned back before we could have any more time to comprehend this.
Hesitantly, I responded.
“We located the check,” I declared. How come you done this?
“Because I’m dying, Kate,” he mutely admitted. “I know Josh despises me, and I’ve committed my fair share of blunders. However, that cash is yours. If Josh isn’t interested, hold onto it for Emily’s next steps. for academic purposes. Nobody has to be aware that I was the source.
I realized we had left Emily alone for too long as I made my way into the home. She was eating her fruit discreetly, so it didn’t really matter.
Josh trailed closely behind me.
As he took the phone from me, he murmured, “Dad.” We must speak if you take your health seriously. No more games, please.
Taylor said, “Thank you, Josh,” over the phone. “You let me know when.”
Later that week, we planned to meet Taylor at a nearby park, where we frequently took Emily.
Josh was clearly anxious on the day of the appointment; he fidgeted while we waited on a lonely bench.
Taylor appeared weak and tired when he arrived.
“I really apologize for everything. I was not a good father. I want to use the little time I have left to make apologies.
Josh inhaled deeply.
“Daddy, it’s not easy. I will, however, give it a go. For Emily’s benefit, so that she can eventually realize her grandfather assisted her with her education.
I put up my packed lunch as Josh and my father-in-law caught up. I reasoned that we still needed to eat in case something awkward happened.
Josh gripped my hand as we exited the park, and he seemed to feel lighter.
“Perhaps it’s fortunate that pillow arrived after all,” he thought, a hint of a smile showing on his lips.
From here, things could only get better, right?
How would you have responded in the situation?