Author: admin

During her visit to a veterinary clinic in Qatar in October 2019, Sheryl came across a blind calico cat that the staff had aptly named Sweetie. The veterinarian informed her that Sweetie was a rescue case and had been brought in by a good Samaritan who found her on the streets and paid for her medical expenses. Sheryl was there to help with another rescue cat at the time. Upon Sweetie’s arrival at the office, it was already apparent that she had lost her eyesight, possibly due to feline herpesvirus (FHV). The veterinarian had made arrangements to have her eyes…

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Noelle was browsing Instagram when a post by Beth Stern caught her eye. The post featured Callie, a partially blind foster kitten that immediately captured Noelle’s attention due to its resemblance to Fluffy, their 15-year-old cat. Both cats shared similar markings and coloring, which drew Noelle to Callie. The truth is, the little cat bore a striking resemblance to Fluffy, which Noelle pointed out to her spouse towards the end of 2019 by showing him Callie’s photo. Although he agreed with Noelle’s observation, he didn’t appear to be too keen on adopting the younger kitty. As a result, Noelle was…

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On a sunny day in July 2020, Kevser Senelli was basking in the salty air of a beach located 40 kilometers away from her home in Bursa, Turkey. As she was enjoying the serene atmosphere, a mother cat and her adorable kittens approached her. Being an animal enthusiast, Kevser couldn’t resist the urge to feed the feline family. However, she noticed another kitten in the distance that seemed to be injured and unable to walk properly. Without any second thoughts, Kevser sprinted towards the hurt ginger and white cat and managed to catch it before it could scamper away. Despite…

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Brittain Bright stumbled upon Instagram photos of Felix, an endearing black-and-white cat who was sadly infected with feline calicivirus, in February 2018. Brittain immediately began sharing Felix’s story on various social media platforms. Brittain reveals that Felix was a stray cat in Kuwait before RAF.KW rescued him. She felt compelled to contribute to his medical expenses and was constantly monitoring his progress. The Instagram photo posted by depicts Felix, a cat who was rescued at the start of 2018 when he was approximately one year old. Due to feline calicivirus, Felix had ulcers on various parts of his body,…

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The following article contains images that some readers may find disturbing. Tamara Newman Varela, a lawyer from Peaflor, Chile, was attending a court hearing when she heard a continuous and loud meowing coming from outside the courtroom. Concerned for the animal’s welfare, she left the courtroom and encountered a mother cat who introduced her kitten to Tamara. Tamara was shown a kitten with ruptured eyes due to an infection. As a result of her emotional state and the fact that no one was taking action, she decided to rescue the kitten herself. On October 25, 2018, Tamara came to the…

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A teen-aged kitten was discovered in the yard of a family without its mother or siblings. She was approximately 6-7 days old and was missing crucial rear leg socialization. A Good Samaritan posted an online appeal for assistance because the kitten required immediate medical attention. Danielle Southon, the founder of Southern Rescue (in Florida), stated, “She had a gruesome leg wound that was likely caused by a wrapped umbilical cord.” Her exposed bone resulted in a terrible infection. Without hesitation, Danielle took the kitten to the veterinarian. She disinfected the wound, provided her with food and medication, and wrapped her…

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A group of compassionate individuals rescued a kitten that had become trapped in a storm drain. While leaving his home, one of them heard the kitten’s cries and was unable to leave without helping. According to Kelly Ingram, her friend Richard was leaving her residence when he heard a meowing kitten. He spent an hour attempting to rescue the kitten while she made phone calls and posted a plea for assistance on Facebook. Thankfully, a crowd began to form, and someone from Public Works arrived. Lacey Jensen Marek also stopped to offer assistance, but even after opening the storm drain,…

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A homeless cat decided one day to climb a fire escape in search of shelter. She had no idea that her actions would result in an entirely new life for her. Meet Lanna, the tortoiseshell cat who arrived in a Brooklyn apartment building over two months ago. She was seeking both food and affection from neighborly tenants. Lanna climbed the fire escape with assurance and composure, as if it were not her first time attracting the attention of strangers. Fortunately, she found a kind tenant who offered her food, and she kept returning to the same window for more. Lanna,…

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Once abandoned on a farm, a cat found a loving home and blossomed into the cutest animal. This adorable black and white cat with long fur was discovered abandoned on a farm. Fortunately, over the years, the farm family had rescued numerous cats and welcomed Kocco into their clowder. However, as the number of cats increased, it became difficult to care for them all. Therefore, the family sought aid from the rescue community. Julie, a compassionate animal rescuer, volunteered to help and took all of the cats and kittens to safety. Even though Kocco was one of the last to…

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The bond between a cat and its owner is widely known, with each owner believing that their feline companion is the most perfect creature on earth, deserving of endless admiration. However, in the world of “catfluencers,” where perfect poses and grooming are the norm, a novel alternative has recently emerged. Introduced on Twitter is the Unflattering Cat Photo Challenge, in which cat owners share their least flattering and most bizarre cat photographs. These submissions feature the worst of the worst when it comes to cat photographs, including grumpy cats baring their teeth and awkwardly posed cats with forced smiles. Cats…

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A heartbreaking story it is. Sophia, a 23-year-old young woman, treated her two feline pets with the utmost care and affection, as if they were her own children. Stephanie, aunt of Sophia, searched Facebook for her missing cat. She believed that locating the cat would not only bring closure to their tragic situation, but also pay tribute to Yueh-ling. Two days after the fire, Matt was discovered alive in the grass! The dog received prompt veterinary care and is currently recuperating with the assistance of professionals. Although she sustained minor burns, the veterinarian’s attentive care is expediting her recovery. The…

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Roxanne, an experienced cat fosterer for Pet Haven in Minnesota, came across a photo of Zac, a young kitten in desperate need of additional TLC. She felt an immediate compulsion to help the eight-week-old furry companion. Roxanne recalls that he was in a dreadful state, with urine burns and feces dripping down the backs of his legs. Unfortunately, the treatment did not alleviate Zac’s diarrhea and fecal incontinence. Roxanne discovered that Zac was receiving veterinary care in Indiana for possible intestinal parasites, but the treatment did not alleviate his diarrhea and fecal incontinence. She initially believed that Zac only required…

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