Many animals do not spend the winter in their habitat, but move to warmer regions. The best known migrants are birds. In some areas, winter is an extremely unfavorable time for many creatures. Cold is then a big problem for many animals, but still not the main reason for migration of some species. Many species migrate mainly due to lack of food, while they would somehow survive the cold. Certain bird species migrate for mating and reproduction. Whether it is a migratory bird or not cannot be estimated from the body size of the individual, large storks and small ones…
Author: staff
Sometimes it’s hard to resist and not throw anything off the table to your pet who meows and wraps around his legs with that pleading look. However, giving pets human food can be very dangerous. Therefore, inform yourself well before you decide to treat your cat, because some foods that he eats with pleasure can have very negative effects on his digestive system. Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, president of the American Association of Felinologists, said the list of foods that cats should never eat is much shorter than people think. It includes onions, garlic, grapes or raisins, candy, chocolate, alcohol and…
Many owners, out of good intentions or pure ignorance, feed their cats foods that are not good for the health of the cat or the cat. Cats have a strong stomach to cope with some minor accidents (such as eating dog food instead of their own), but some foods can seriously harm their bodies. To help you create a healthy menu for your cat, in this article we will try to answer the question “What cats eat and are allowed to eat” so that you don’t have any doubts. Cat food, as it is obvious, is allowed and recommended in the…
Bogdan walked home in silence, unaware of the drastic changes that would come his way. On the doorstep, he noticed a small fluffy lump sniffing quietly at the stairs. Bogdan approached and saw a small animal that needed help. The man took the young animal home. The tiny animal could not even eat on its own. Bogdan gave the animal milk from an eyedropper for the first time. The unknown animal was named Lucky. At the vet appointment, it turned out that the baby was a burgundy sable with an injured paw. The trauma remained for the rest of his…
A constrictor is about the last thing you want to find in your swimming pool. But even then, things can get a little worse – as one family from Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia discovered. However, the victim of the whole situation was not, as one might think, a human being, but the snake itself – because the poor creature had taken refuge in the water of the pool for good reason. “Nike”, as the python was later christened by the vet, suffered from a veritable plague of ticks. He was covered all over with the stubborn parasites that had burrowed into…
Dog barking is the dominant communication. A dog’s behavior is often the result of learned but also genetic elements, which characterize it. Dogs react very quickly to certain things and often know how to verbally, or by barking, let everyone know that they are in a certain mood. There are four types of dog sounds, which are essential determinants when trying to understand a dog’s behavior These are: growling, whining, howling and barking. Barking is the most common daily occurrence in dogs, which can sometimes be stressful for owners. But do you know the reasons why dogs bark? The dog…
This breed was formed sometime during the Middle Ages. Its primary function was to haul fishermen nets out of the water, pick up fish that came out of it, transmit messages from one ship to another or from one shore to another, or store catch or equipment. According to some research, it has been assumed that the Portuguese Water Dog breed was created by the primary crossing of 3 breeds – poodles, barbets and curry – terriers. Today, according to the FCI classification, the Portuguese Water Dog is classified as the 7th group of water dogs, and their lifespan is…
Domestic cats are not the only animals that spin. Some wild cats and their close relatives also spin. Sometimes even hyenas, guinea pigs, raccoons and squirrels. Although it is easy to assume that cats spin only when they are comfortable, research shows that spinning is much more complex than that. It serves cats as a means of communication and as a form of self-medication. As any cat owner knows, they often spin when they are petted. They also spin when they want to or when they eat food, and sometimes while falling asleep. All this leads to the generally accepted…
A woman named Khole, 65 years old, is homeless and lives on the streets. She does not wander like the average homeless person, but lives with dogs. She is willing to spend the few pennies she has on animals. Hole buys them food and medicine. At night, she slept with the dogs in a large garbage bag. The local police wanted to help the homeless woman and take her to a shelter, but she refused to leave her pets behind because they would be lost without her. The dogs have become Hole’s best friends. One of the dogs is pregnant,…
The name of the dog is Tarasik. It came to a home in Kozhukhov six years ago. He unfortunately was forgotten! That is, it was fed and the dark enclosure was cleaned – but it was not allowed out for walks and play with conspecifics. It wasn’t until six years later, after being housed in a quarantine block, that he was recalled as part of the shelter’s 2020 restructuring. And from that moment on, a radical change in Pa’s destiny began. The dog was wild, unsociable. He did not let people approach him and bit them when they tried to…
Researchers from Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest tested their theory that a sympathetic tilt of a dog’s head could be related to their ability to process the names of objects and recognize the names of objects you mention, especially favorite toys. According to a study published in the research journal Animal Cognition, new research suggests that “only a few dogs can learn object (toy) names even after a few exposures, while most (typical) dogs can’t.” They hypothesized that “tilting the head is associated with processing meaningful or relevant auditory stimuli” and that dogs who could associate a word name with…
Your cat needs different care at each stage of life – but what makes a cat older and how should it be cared for at this age? Your cat needs different care at each stage of life to maintain its well-being – whether it’s the growth phase of the kitten’s life or maintaining the health of the older cat. But when can a cat be considered older and what changes can you notice? The age of the cat in human years As with humans, the aging process is an individual experience, and different cats show signs of aging at different…